DG me is the Dollar General Employees resource website that allows employees to view benefits, compensation, and others. Dollar General is a chain of diverse stores in the United States. The company operates more than 11,500 stores in 40 states. By the way, the DGme website is designed for current employees, so if you are ready to access this site, you must log in with your EID and password. If you don’t know your EID, please check on the paper pay stub you received in the last payment period or ask your manager.

To access dgme website, please visit here.
If you are a new employee, you may complete the registration process using the “first-time user? Register Now” link. The registration page will ask you to enter your employee ID, the last four digits of your social security number, and your birth date.
After you you have completed the registration process, you will be prompted to log in. To login, enter your Employee ID, first initial of first name and first initial of the last name, and the password you have created upon registration.

DGme never processes employees’ pay stubs and year-end tax information w2. The Money Network paystub portal processes your pay stub. Read the following recommended article to access your pay stub easily-
How to access Dollar General pay stub from the Money Network paystub portal
ADP processes your W-2. So if you want to know how to access your year-end tax information easily, please read the following recommended article
How to access your pay stub from ADP as a Dollar General employee
If you need a salary key to prove income for filing a load or mortgage, food stamp or government assistant program, rent an apartment, or other purposes… please read the recommended article
How to create a salary key online as a Dollar General employee
I did not receive my paycheck for last week, the last one was 2/13/15. I don’t think the manager turned in the time sheet. Please check into this asap
Do you check at money network paystub portal? Not yet please read…here. If you are former employee please contact at local office…
I am needing a print out of my check stubs from the month of December until February! I am needing this information for court! I no longer work here now.
i have movied to another state and dont know my employee number how would i get that with out calling the store that i used to work at ty
I worked for the pleasant view Tennessee Dollar General Market in 2013 or 2014 I think it was 2013 we are going back on our taxes with our accountant and they have misplaced my w2 I really need another copy could someone contact me please you have my email and my number is 615-815-5177 I don’t have nothing left from when I worked there so I can’t log in. It’s very important. I went to the store and there is a different manager and he told me to go online and I haven’t had any luck. Could you please contact me a.s.a.p. Thank you so much, Tracy I Butler.
I worked at the dollar general in mineral wells texas from 2014-2015, cant log into my DGme account to get my w-2 Name is Levi Sinclar, Need access to my w-2 to do taxes asap please. phone is 940-859-3612 please let me know through phone or email ASAP!
I work at dollar general in Council bluffs IA. I can’t remember my id number. my store manager has gone home for the day how can I have it without calling the store. I need it as soon as possible. thanks
Didn’t get my w-2 from last year in the mail. When i worked for dollar general my boss didn’t change my address beecause i didn’t have access to a computer. Now that i do have computer access, i can’t get to my free w-2
Worked at DG in 2015 and yet to see my W-2 form, I no longer work with DG but nobody seem to assist me in getting a copy. Could someone call me at 410-300-0863 I don’t remember my employee number and password to access DGme
I worked for DG in late 2015, and I haven’t recieved my w-2 yet. I need it to do my taxes, and it seems I’m not the only one experiencing this problem. I can’t file my taxes with a missing w-2. Please help.
I put in a change for my pay from direct deposit to spay card on February 19,2016. Changes have not been made as of today February 29, 2016…..would like this changed as soon as possible…..checking account has been closed…do not need it to go there any longer need it to be applied to epay card instead. Please email me back with info..thank you.
I havent recieved my W2 form and cant file my taxes without. Ive been waiting for it since Jan 31st.Please Help.
please can some one help me get access to please i cannot access my stubs please the number u call is a recording
We are trying to get a copy of the W-2 forms? Can someone help?
Hi, I am Bruce W. Gallups. I am attempting to access my DGME accounts and it will not let me in. When I try to register the system acts like I am not listed as an employee. I have put my employee ID # in, along with my Date of Birth and last 3 of my social security #. Please help me get this corrected. I have been with the company since March and have not been able to view any of my pay stubs. Thank you, Bruce
I put in the wrong year of my Bday on my new hire paperwork. Didn’t notice till it was locked in. How can I change it?
I work in Mountain Home AR. The company is not taking out state taxes. I have called the payroll line and can’t get a real person. I also faxed a request to the payroll department with no reply. Can you tell me how to fix this so I don’t have to pay a lot at the end of the year.
I worked at Dollar General for a few months. The manager has since threatened me via text. I have sent emails to their customer service. It is the only avenue as there are no phone number, even on DGme (I can’t get into it anymore anyway). I’m trying to get someone attention about this. I have not received a response and again there are no phone numbers to call.
Can you please help me get in touch with HR?
Contact HR Services at 1-855-ASK-DGHR (1-855-275-3447). 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CST Monday–Friday
I need to change my address so I can get my w2. I’ve tried calling the number that the people give me at the stores. But it won’t let me talk to hr.
Can u call me at 870.212.1665
Dollar general is the most crooked company I had worked for. No use in calling a store they are uneducated and have no clue even the managers on how to answer any question about anything there at any store. They constantly give you the run around when trying to get ur w2 or pay stubs. Give you false numbers to call that you never get to speak with anyone. I had a district manager Rob in WV that didn’t know his back from front and always talked down on me and he is still there. I took matters in my own hands since the upper management didn’t want to help and he is being watched closely now for his life. If anyone talks down to you from management report it on your local topix with a name and placement of the manager and they will be dealt with.
Calling all the mgrs and DMs stupid just shows how ignorant you are yourself. I have been with the company for 10 years, and I have nothing, but good things to say. For your info, I am a very educated store manager, know my business kind the back of my hand, but then I took the time to inform and educate myself. All the info you needed, could be found under DM, you could have called your HR, or reached out to your RD, if neither the SM, nor the DM were able to help you. You were just lazy, uneducated and you are taking your failure on other people instead of taking responsibility!
I am an employee, I’ve been locked out of getting in to my dgme account. It keeps telling me to contact payroll administration, need to know number or how to get a hold of pls. I can’t even get in at work to finish cbl’s. Thank you
I need to change my status on my W2 form. What site do I go to or how do I get there?
I was a former employee at dollar General in Gloucester Virginia and I need to change my address on my w2 And the hr number they gave me will not allow me to do so. Please help!
I am a recent hire for DG and need to change my tax withholdings. How might I do that, or whom should I speak with? Thank you for any assistance.
I was an employee for DG 2016 and have not received my W2. I am trying to log into DGme and it will not let me. I am putting my employee number in and forgot password and I get this. You must be a registered employee in order to access
or update this application.
I was fired today by Sherrie Mullins I am owed money for milage and my husband is owed money that he was never paid , how do I get paid for this and where do I send my paper work? I am also owed money for working off the clock at 11696 and from April to July you will have to watch CCTV to get exact times and days but its about 20 or so hrs and at 7414 witch will be for about 40hrs + milage I was never paid… Thanks for your help.
Hey until last week i was a LSA and i used to work off the clock at least an hour a day.. Anytime I was the only manager on duty and on break i had to go up and returns or key turns and so nad to clock out neflre I ran my reports.. Theres a lawfirm thats going to file a Class action lawsuit against them you should join us so we cam get the money they owe us..
I had to do the same thing, i would clock out for break .and it wouldn’t seem like a break at all.the lines would get long and i would have to het the lines down,i would have to run the eod ,but i would have to clock out first,and still have to make sure the store was zoned ,and swept,mopped, for the next day,and if we went over fourty hours they would mame use take alonger break ,if you want to call it a break ! I am a asst.manager produce.
W2s no federal tax’s showing and yes tax’s was taken out of my checks weekly
i need my pay stubs for dollar general in show low AZ
Are we getting insurance premium refund for participating in the health program this year ?
I am a former employee and need to access my last pay stub.
I am a former employee and need to get my w2. Forgot all log in information
Where my dollar general w2
Where can i get my w2s
i need a change of address on my w2 before its mailed out
I received my w2 and it says they only withheld .59 cents on my federal what do I need to do
I have not been able to get my paystubs since I started working in 2016. Everytime I try to get the
paystubs online with my EID number and password I always get the following “the information you
enetered could not be validated. Also when I try to log on to DGMe I get same reply as above.
I would like to access my payroll information. There are three questions and I do not remember the answers to any of them.
I don’t rember me qustions to log in how can I start over need my w2 from the stite
I never received my W-2. Please reissue me on. Thanks Karon Woods
I never received my w2 from Dollar General. How can I get a copy. I no longer work at dg.
I never received my W2 from Dollar General I no longer work at Dollar General
I have not my 22nd yet Dollar General mailed to a empty lot, now I’m getting the runaround about it.So I don’t get to file
Yes Cindy in morganfield ky told me to call been on hold for two hrs still no answer I’m a new hire my name is Andrew Lewis phone number is 2709974018 she couldn’t get me in system that’s why I’m calling
I never received a W-2. I could not get into dgme. Would not give me password though it did give me my employee I.D. The overseas operator told me my address in the system was different but correct so she couldn’t help me. If you can’t help me I’ll have to start calling corporate offices til I find someone who will help or contact the I.R.S. for help
The number of dependents on my pay stub is wrong. When I reapplied I only entered 1 dependent on my w-4. The payroll department has me counting 2 on my federal taxes. I marked single with 1 dependent when I was rehired on April 25,2020.
I resigned from Dollar General in Berlin eff 7/24/20 I need a copy of my paystub as I was shut out of the system and can no longer get a copy through the system . Please contact me at Jeanne.lajeunesse@yahoo.com ASAP . you can email it or send it to Jeanne Lajeunesse,980 Clark RD, East Montpelier, VT 05651. I tried calling 1-855-275-3447 to no avail. My number was 2574842,, Id 1674
Is the paystub portal down for maintenance? I am unable to log in, nor am I able to retrieve my password. it tells me the information provided can not be verified!
I can’t get on payroll portal it tells me to contact my administrator. I have been employed at Dollar General for over ten years and have always went in and checked my paystub.
Do I still get my pay check.
I wanted to put single 0 for my federal tax it took nothing for federal I would like single 0 for federal . Thank You Marie Steele